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GDC 2018第二天 - 'Budget Cuts'推出,Google ARCore应用

HaloVR 2018-03-23 14:02 发文


译 haloVR

'Budget Cuts'推出

开发者Neat公司已经重新推出了隐形动作游戏Budget Cuts,预计将于5月16日发布HTC Vive和Oculus Rift。我们会在GDC的最新版本中进行试玩,它保留了2016年之前令人印象深刻的pre-alpha演示的大部分核心机制。机器人已经过重新设计,更加壮观,而且您必须更准确地使用刀,你必须更准确地把刀扔下去。光影在隐身系统中扮演着更重要的角色,并且有更多的物体可以与隐身系统互动。


ARCore SDK在旗舰Android智能手机上实现了广泛的AR应用程序,Google强调了本周推出的两款应用程序,以及今年晚些时候推出的两款应用程序。在eBay的应用程序中有一个新的“哪个箱子?”的功能,它可以帮助卖家计算物品所需的包装尺寸,而Google刚刚推出了移动艺术应用程序Just a Line,它可以录制简单的空间图纸。计划于2018年第二季度推出的Google Maps API为“行尸走肉:我们的世界”,而TendAR则是7月份推出的一款游戏,其中包括一种对面部表情做出反应的虚拟鱼。


Splorchy博士介绍:Space Heroes是Squanch Games(以前称为Squanchtendo)的谷歌Daydream VR平台专用的一系列游戏中的第一款游戏。目前对这个项目知之甚少,但Rick和Morty的粉丝很可能会被吸引到喜剧风格中,因为它来自动画系列的创始人之一Justin Roiland。

Magic Leap谈游戏和AI

互动总监来自Magic Leap的Alessia Laidacker和互动实验室总监Brian Schwab介绍了为空间计算平台创建游戏的演讲。它讨论了与用户上下文有关的高级概念,以及AR的重要设计元素以及AR字符如何表现。我们预计周四将进一步深入Magic Leap的发展。

此文由haloVR发布 2018 03 23

GDC 2018 ‘Day 2’ Roundup 

 ‘Budget Cuts’ Hands-On, Google Maps and ARCore, Squanch Games’ Exclusive, and More

Hands-on with ‘Budget Cuts’

Developer Neat Corporation has resurfaced with stealth action game Budget Cuts, due for release on May 16th for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. We go hands-on with the latest build at GDC, which retains most of the core mechanics found in the impressive pre-alpha demo from 2016. The robots have been redesigned to be more imposing, and you have to be more accurate with your knife throwing if you want to take them down in one hit. Light and shadow plays a bigger role in the stealth system, and there are more objects to pick up and interact with.

Google highlights 4 ARCore apps

The ARCore SDK is enabling a wide range of AR apps on flagship Android smartphones, and Google highlighted two apps that launched this week and two coming later in the year. There is a new “which box?” feature on eBay’s app, which helps a seller calculate the size of packaging required for an item, and Google just launched mobile art app Just a Line, which allows video recording of simple spatial drawings. Planned for Q2 2018 is the Google Maps API-enabled The Walking Dead: Our World, and TendAR is a game arriving in July, involving a virtual fish that responds to facial expressions.

Squanch Games reveal exclusive Daydream game

Dr. Splorchy Presents: Space Heroes is the first in a series of games exclusive to Google’s Daydream VR platform from Squanch Games, formerly known as Squanchtendo. Little is known about the project so far, but fans of Rick and Morty will likely be drawn to its comedic style, as it comes from the mind of Justin Roiland, co-creator of the animated series.

Magic Leap talk on games and AI

Interaction Director Alessia Laidacker and Interaction Lab Director Brian Schwab from Magic Leap presented a talk on creating games for a spatial computing platform. It discussed high-level concepts relating to user context, as well as the important design elements for AR, and how AR characters need to behave. We expect a deeper dive into Magic Leap development on Thursday.

UP TO haloVR 2018 03 23








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