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周报│VR/AR一周看点盘点 2018 04 02 -09

HaloVR 2018-04-09 14:12 发文

2018 04 02-08


Financing, data report



With A total of 22 million yuan, the VR decoration "qiao jiaojia" completed the pre-a round financing.

On March 30, 2018, qiao jianjia announced the completion of the pre-a round financing of 2200W yuan. This round of financing was led by the small orange fund, and the investment party was zhejiang wadley holding group. According to the introduction, this financing will mainly be used for the rapid deployment of qiyan VR system and increase the market share.

Greenlight Insights 报告:7.7% AR/VR投资流向女性CEO初创公司

VR/AR市场分析机构GreenlightInsights日前公布了一份新报告,分析了从2013年至2017年的女性CEO的企业融资情况。Greenlight Insights的报告分析了超过300起交易,报告中指出2017年VR/AR领域投融资金额接近20亿美元融资,其中有7.7%的投资流向了由女性作为CEO的初创公司。对比2016年的4.6%,增长了3.1%。

Greenlight Insights report: 7.7% AR/VR investment flows to female CEO startups.

GreenlightInsights, the market analyst for VR/AR, has released a new report analysing corporate financing for female ceos from 2013 to 2017. Greenlight Insights report analyzed more than 300 deals, report 2017 VR/AR field of investment and financing amount is close to $2 billion in financing, of which 7.7% of investment flows by women as the CEO of a startup. That's up 3.1% from 4.6% in 2016.



High Fidelity和NeoSensory联手,将发售Exoskin触感外套

近日,High Fidelity和NeoSensory 联合发布了一款全新的触感外套,佩戴者可以通过它在VR中感受到身体接触和周围的环境。

High Fidelity 是一家VR社交公司,此次与NeoSensory以及硬件开发者们合作,开发了可穿戴设备,也就是Exoskin(外置皮肤),其配备32个传感马达,并配备了High Fidelity硬件设备的开源架构,这让佩戴者能够在实时的在虚拟世界中感受到真实的触觉。

High Fidelity and NeoSensory teamed up to release the Exoskin tactile coat.

High Fidelity and NeoSensory recently released a new tactile coat that allows the wearer to experience physical contact and surroundings in VR.

High Fidelity is a VR social company, the cooperation with NeoSensory and hardware developers, developed a wearable device, namely Exoskin (outer skin), it is equipped with 32 sensor motor, and is equipped with High Fidelity hardware equipment of the open source framework, it makes the wearer can in real time in the virtual world to feel a real sense of touch.

高通将推出VRDK 一体机,将支持6DoF控制器追踪

高通(Qualcomm)公司将推出一款基于Snapdragon 845芯片VRDK的一体机,其具备6DOF控制器定位以及超声波追踪功能。

高通Snapdragon 845 VDRK主要是面向软硬件开发商,公司想为客户提供一款自己独家设计的VR一体机,其中提供了多种可根据个人喜好定制的选项。如手动追踪和眼动追踪等。现在,6DoF控制器定位以及超声波跟踪技术已推出。

Qualcomm will launch VRDK all-in-one, which will support 6DoF controller tracking.

Qualcomm will launch an all-in-one, based on the Snapdragon 845 chip VRDK, with a 6DOF controller location and an ultrasound tracking feature.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 VDRK is mainly for hardware and software developers, and the company wants to provide customers with an exclusive VR all-in-one machine, which offers a variety of options that can be customized according to personal preference. Such as manual tracking and eye tracking. Now, 6DoF controller localization and ultrasonic tracking technology have been launched.

HTC推出SteamVR 1.0追踪套件,仅售300美元

HTC宣布在其线上商店推出折扣,一套包含两个基站及两个手柄的全新SteamVR 1.0追踪套件,售价300美元。消费者在单独购买这些套件时需总计花费约500美元。这款套装可为您节省200美元。如果您选择购买Vive Pro,整个套餐的价格为1098美元。

HTC launched the SteamVR 1.0 tracking suite for just $300.

HTC announced a discount on its online store, a new SteamVR 1.0 tracking suite with two base stations and two handles for $300. Consumers will spend about $500 to buy the kits separately. This suit will save you $200. If you choose to buy Vive Pro, the whole package costs $1,098.

三星宣布其智能手表Gear S2现可与Gear VR搭配使用

三星宣布其智能手表Gear S2现在可以与Gear VR进行搭配使用,以实现一些基本功能。手表软件的最新更新可以让您将可穿戴手表与基于智能手机的VR头显配对。据三星的新闻稿指出,用户可以使用手表与VR内容进行互动。

Samsung has announced that its smartwatch, the Gear S2, can now be used with the Gear VR.

Samsung has announced that its smartwatch, Gear S2, can now be used with the Gear VR for some basic features. The latest update to watch software allows you to pair your wearable watch with a VR headset based on your smartphone. According to a samsung press release, users can use the watch to interact with VR content.


Hot News

Magic Leap招聘iOS开发者,或将兼容iOS系统

据外媒报道,近日, AR独角兽公司Magic Leap 更新了最新的招聘信息,其中显示了该公司正在招募高级iOS应用开发者,工作内容包括“帮助创建MR计算的未来”。

Magic Leap is hiring iOS developers, or will be compatible with iOS.

According to foreign media reports, recently, AR Magic unicorn company Leap to update the latest recruitment information, which shows the company is recruiting senior iOS application developers, working content including "help create MR the future of computing.



Apple has patented a VR system for self-driving cars that can be used to relieve motion sickness.

According to foreign media, apple has disclosed a patent for a VR system for self-driving cars. According to the us patent and trademark office, apple's VR system can significantly change the internal and external environment of vehicles and bring more pleasure to passengers.


Facebook宣布将为其VR社交应用FacebookSpaces推出更多可自定义的虚拟化身和虚拟角色。Facebook Spaces中完全重新设计的虚拟化身比过去更具表现力和个性化。


Facebook has updated the virtual avatar design for its VR social application Spaces.

Facebook has announced that it will introduce more customizable avatars and virtual characters for its VR social application, FacebookSpaces. The completely redesigned avatar in Facebook Spaces is more expressive and personalized than it used to be.

Facebook says: "we've been working to make virtual avatar better in VR space with richer textures, better lighting and shadows. We also adjusted the technology to make the body of the avatar look smoother and more natural.


近日,Mozilla宣布为VR一体机及AR头戴设备推出新版本的Firefox浏览器,它被称为Firefox Reality。Mozilla将其描述为一个跨平台、开放源代码和对隐私友好的浏览器,并将被专门用于头戴设备。您可以在HTC Vive Focus上看到它的早期demo版本,不过目前该浏览器尚未公开发布,Mozilla也还未宣布哪些头显将提供支持。

Mozilla launches the new FirefoxReality browser for VR/AR.

Recently, Mozilla announced the launch of a new version of the Firefox browser for VR and AR, which is known as the Firefox Reality. Mozilla describes it as a cross-platform, open-source, and privacy-friendly browser, and will be dedicated to headwear. You can see its early demo version on the HTC Vive Focus, but the browser hasn't been released publicly yet, and Mozilla has yet to announce which headers will support it.


Games, film


星球大战官方YouTube账号近日发布了一个360全景视频片段,在视频中,通过对作曲家John Williams 和导演 Rian Johnson的采访,官方拍摄了一部7分钟的全景视频。通过视频人们可以看到电影拍摄场景,你可以从这些场景中立刻辨认出电影内容。除此之外,你在视频中还能看到电影配乐的演奏现场。

"Star Wars: the last jedi knight" offers 360 panorama video.

Star Wars the official YouTube account has launched a 360 panoramic video clips, in the video, through to the composer John Williams and director Rian Johnson's interview, the official took a panoramic video 7 minutes. Through video people can see the movie scene, you can instantly identify the movie content from these scenes. On top of that, you can see the soundtrack on video.

VR音游《Beat Saber》宣布5月1日开售

备受关注的VR音游《Beat Saber》的开发商Hyperbolic Magnetism终于宣布游戏的发售日期,该作将于5月1日以抢先版的形式登陆Steam。据悉游戏将支持HTC Vive、Oculus Rift以及Windows MR系列头显。

"Beat Saber" announced on May 1.

The developer of the closely watched "Beat Saber" has finally announced the release date of the game, which will be released on May 1 in a preemptive form. It is reported that the game will support HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows MR.



"Resident evil 7" sold 5.1 million copies and won the best VR sound award.

Today, Capcom announced that it has sold more than 5.1 million copies of the "resident evil 7" platform, and Capcom also said the game won the "best VR sound effect" award from the 2018 game sound network association.








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