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HaloVR 2018-04-08 14:09 发文

2018 04 08 周日  SUN


星球大战官方YouTube账号近日发布了一个360全景视频片段,在视频中,通过对作曲家John Williams 和导演 Rian Johnson的采访,官方拍摄了一部7分钟的全景视频。


这是YouTube平台的视频,您可以通过PS4中的YouTube应用在PSVR中观看,也可以使用基于智能手机的头显设备进行观看。如果你想了解更多关于星球大战的内容,可以使用HTC Vive体验《Trials on Tatooine》或《Droid Bay》。

"Star Wars: the last jedi knight" offers 360 panorama video.

Star Wars the official YouTube account has launched a 360 panoramic video clips, in the video, through to the composer John Williams and director Rian Johnson's interview, the official took a panoramic video 7 minutes.

Through video people can see the movie scene, you can instantly identify the movie content from these scenes. On top of that, you can see the soundtrack on video.

This is video on the YouTube platform. You can watch it in PSVR via the YouTube app in the PS4, and you can also use the headset based on the smart phone. If you want to learn more about Star Wars, you can use the HTC Vive to experience Trials on Tatooine or Droid Bay.


今日,微软公布了一系列HoloLens早期原型的图片。此前,Magic Leap也曾展示过一系列Magic Leap One产品的早期原型图。微软此次发布HoloLens早期原型图,旨在提醒用户HoloLens的起步时间早于Magic Leap One。同时,微软此举还将提醒行业合作伙伴及广大用户,其将继续在相关领域研发。

Microsoft released early prototype images of HoloLens.

Today, Microsoft unveiled a series of images of early prototypes of HoloLens. Previously, Magic Leap has shown a series of early prototypes of the Magic Leap One product. Microsoft's early prototype, HoloLens, aims to remind users that HoloLens started earlier than Magic Leap One. It will also remind industry partners and users that it will continue to develop in related fields.


一直以来,PC厂商戴尔及其专注于游戏领域的子公司外星人都志在成为VR用户的一站式服务商。近日戴尔与外星人发布了6款全新的Windows 10游戏本,全部都搭载最新的英特尔第八代酷睿处理器。G系列入门本的售价为749美元起,能够为预算有限的游戏玩家提供高性能的游戏表现。

Dell is offering a new VR game version for $749.

For a long time, PC maker dell and its focus on the gaming space have been dedicated to becoming a one-stop service for VR users. In recent days, dell and aliens have released six new Windows 10 games, all of which are powered by the latest Intel's eighth-generation core processor. The G series starts at $749 and offers a high performance game performance for budget-limited gamers.








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