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观点│'VRChat'是最接近的VR体验'Ready Player One'的OASIS

HaloVR 2018-04-08 14:08 发文


译 haloVR

Ready Player One于3月29日发布,目前与电影中描绘的OASIS视觉效果最接近的VR体验是VRChat的社交VR体验。到2045年,我预测我们将拥有一个基于WebXR的分散式开放式元数据,并且它将成为实现OASIS教育潜力的开放式网络,它被描述在小说版本的Ready Player One中。但我认为我们将继续像现在一样开放和封闭的系统,并且很可能会出现一个封闭的,有围墙的花园的互联世界的代价,这更类似于由Gregarious Simulation Systems建立的OASIS的愿景。

VRChat是首个支持完全自定义头像的社交VR体验之一,但它们也允许创作者上传自己的世界。VRChat在2017年秋季经历了一些指数增长,这部分归功于包括Jameskii&Nagzz21在内的许多YouTubers 以及像pokelawls,dyrus,greekgodx和LIRIK这样的Twitch人物,他们发现了独特的用户生成的VRChat世界,定制化身,流行文化参考和模因的融合,以及这些虚拟世界中真人角色扮演,角色扮演,社交游戏和偶然社交互动的机会。



目前还没有任何VR体验能够实现“OASIS”的全部潜力,即小说Ready Player One中描绘的虚拟现实技术,因为OASIS有许多教育方面的内容,电影版。我认为这些类型的教育体验很可能是建立在使用WebXR等开放标准的开放式Web上,目前Google的Expeditions可能是实现OASIS更多教育方面的最接近的平台。听到Google Expeditions团队讨论使用A-Frame是令人鼓舞的 以建立针对网络的体验,因此到2045年,我预计将会有集中的围墙花园以及基于WebXR等开放标准的分散式开放式元世界世界的组合。

VRC通过创建一个集中的解决方案来托管所有内容,并且负责调节内容和社交行为,从而创造了今天可能的最佳体验。VRChat的长期业务模式尚未向社区公布,但首席创意官Ron Millar告诉我,他们希望确保最成功的内容创作者获得创作补偿的方法。

我认为VRChat仍然是今天最接近的VR体验,它开始实现Ready Player One电影中描述的OASIS的愿景  ,但我怀疑到2045年,在WebXR之上构建的开放式网络开放标准将实现开放式元数据的全面展望和小说中描述的OASIS的教育潜力。这两者都是创造我们都希望在未来看到的社交VR虚拟世界的重要组成部分,希望在Ready Player One中描述的未来的反乌托邦科幻视角能够帮助我们认识到集权的颓势,并激励我们在分散的架构上构建一个开放且可持续的metaverse!

此文由haloVR发布 2018 04 08

‘VRChat’ is the Closest VR Experience Available Today to ‘Ready Player One’s’ OASIS

Ready Player One was released on March 29th, and the current VR experience that comes the closest to realizing the vision of the OASIS depicted in the movie is the social VR experience of VRChat. By 2045, I predict that we’ll have a decentralized open metaverse that’s built on WebXR, and that it’ll be the open web that realizes the educational potential of OASIS that’s depicted within the novel version of Ready Player One. But I think we’ll continue to have open and closed systems just as we do today, and it’s likely that there will a closed, walled garden metaverse of interconnected worlds that is more akin to the vision of the OASIS that’s built by Gregarious Simulation Systems. But if you want to experience the OASIS today, then VRChat is the experience to check out.

VRChat was one of the first social VR experiences to enable fully customizable avatars, but they also allow creators to upload their own worlds. VRChat went through some exponential grown in the Fall of 2017 thanks in part to a number of YouTubers including Jameskii & Nagzz21, and Twitch personalities like pokelawls, dyrus, greekgodx, and LIRIKwho discovered the unique user-generated VRChat worlds, customized avatars, a fusion of pop culture references & memes, as well as opportunities for live action role play, cosplay, social games, and serendipitous social interactions in these virtual worlds.

VRChat has the most advanced friend-finding features of any Social VR experience, but they also have the user experience of traversing between virtual worlds with a group of people by dropping in-world portals. They also have a diverse range of different private social VR experiences including invite-only instances or instances where anyone invited can invite their friends.

VRChat has enabled a 2D desktop version of their experience allows non-VR PC players to participate in the social VR worlds, but with limited functionality including not being able to use their hands. Not all of the concurrent users on VRChat are in virtual reality, but it’s an experience that’s been inspiring a lot of people to buy a VR system in order to enhance their experience in the game. This support for non-VR participation has contributed to their rise in popularity, and this success means that they’ve had to deal with various moderation challenges that come with operating virtual social spaces at this scale.

There aren’t any VR experiences yet that realize the full potential of the ‘OASIS’, the VR metaverse depicted in the novel Ready Player One, as there are a lot more educational aspects to the OASIS that didn’t make the cut for the movie version. I think that it’s most likely the these types of educational experiences will be built on the open web using open standards like WebXR, and currently Google’s Expeditions is the probably the closest platform that is realizing the more educational aspects of the OASIS. It was encouraging to hear the Google Expeditions team talk about using A-Frame to build experiences that target the web, and so by 2045 I expect that there will be a combination of centralized walled gardens as well as decentralized open metaverse worlds that are built upon open standards like WebXR.

VRChat has opted to create the best experiences possible today by creating a centralized solution where they are hosting all of the content, and they’re in charge of moderating content and social behaviors. The long-term business model for VRChat hasn’t been announced to the community yet, but Chief Creative Officer Ron Millar told me that they want to be sure that there’s a way for the most successful content creators to be compensated for their creations.

I think that VRChat is still the closest VR experience that exists today that starts to realize the vision of the OASIS depicted in the Ready Player One movie, but I suspect that by 2045 that the open web built on top of the WebXR open standards are going to realize the full vision of the open metaverse and the educational potential of the OASIS that’s depicted within the novel. Both are important parts of creating the social VR metaverse that we all want to see in the future, and hopefully the dystopian sci-fi visions of the future depicted in Ready Player One can help us recognize the downfalls of centralized power, and inspire us to build an open and sustainable metaverse on a decentralized architecture that we all deserve.

UP TO haloVR 2018 04 08








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